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Pyrethrum Daisy |
I am going to plant some pyrethrum daisy seeds to grow
this daisy.
I saw a YouTube video talking about this flower being a good plant to put in your garden
to help with pest control. In the video they said the plant did not harm pollinators.
Pyrethrum is a natural chemical extract from chrysanthemum and daisy plants that kills
insects. After doing more research on the plant I found that it can harm bees.
The Pyrethrum Daisy is good at repelling cabbage moths, cabbage white butter flies, leaf
hoppers, spider mites, and ticks.
I decided to grow and plant them in my big garden that is not near my bees. I am only
going to plant them in my rows of Cabbage, broccoli, and lettuce to see if that helps keep
down the cabbage worms.
I planted the seeds in a container to start the seeds February 5th. It take 10 to 12 weeks
from seed to be ready to plant outside.
I will let you know how they do.
Grow lights |
Some 4000k grow lights can cost over $150. That might be
ok for a person who is growing a lot of plants as a business. You would have to grow a lot
of plants to offset the cost of a light like that.
I was trying to grow a little romaine lettuce in my window. This year we have had nothing
but very cloudy days and the lettuce was almost dead because it was not getting enough

That was when I knew I needed to do something because it would not be long when I will be
starting seedling for this year.
I found a 4000k led shop light at a local store on sale for $29. That is more in my price
range. Yea it might not be as good as a Full-Spectrum LED Grow Light but I am just doing
this as a hobby.

Just 2 days after I put up the new LED light I could see a bit of new life in the plants.

Only time will tell if this light will help my seedlings
not be so leggy.
war, famine.. How our ancestors conquered it all...
Bees February 9 |
It was 59F and sunny today so I went out to see if any
bees were coming out of my hive. There was a few bees on the landing board and a few in
the air. 
This gives me hope that they might make it to spring. When you get a warm day at this time
in NY, the bees come out to do a cleansing flight.
Seed Germination Test |
This is a good time to check the germination of the seeds
you saved and leftover seeds you might have.
Take a few seeds you have saved and put them on a paper towel. 
Or some old seeds you had leftover.

Fold the paper towel over and spray them with some water.

Place the paper towel in a plastic bag and put it in a warm dark place for 4 or 5 days.

Take them out to see if they started to germinate.

If your seeds did not start to germinate, you will know you need to order some more seeds.
I hope this helps you get ready for the new year of growing.
Mung Bean Sprouts |
Mung Bean Sprouts are easy to grow. All you need is Mung
Beans, a jar with a lid that you can drain off the water.
I put in about 1/4 cup of mung beans in a jar and let them soak in water for 12 hours. 

Then drain them and let sit in a dark place. Rinse the seeds off 2 or 3 times a day and
drain well.
They will start germinating in about a day. After 4 or 5 days they will grow big enough to

I put them in a plastic bowel in the refrigerator and they will last several days

I like them just eat them as a healthy snack just as they are.
Mung Bean Sprouts are also good to add to your salad.
You can find several recipes for Mung Bean stir-fry on the internet.
Sprouting is fun and easy. Give it a try.
war, famine.. How our ancestors conquered it all...
Honey Bees |

This is an update on how the Honey Bees were doing as they went into winter.
The bee swarm I got last summer was a little bit late. I feed them some sugar water to
help give them a good start.
I checked the bees out about 2 weeks after I got them and it looked like they had a good
queen. They had several frames of brood. ( new bees in the growing stage from eggs to bees
ready to come out as workers.)
A few weeks later the hive was just over full with bees. Being late in the year I added a
shallow box to the hive. I checked them for mites and all was good.
Just 2 weeks later when the goldenrod was about done for the year. I did a check
to see how much honey they had. The brood area was just full of honey. It looked like they
were honey bound. Honey bound is where the bees fill the brood area with honey a fast as
the new bees emerge from the come. This leaves no place for the queen to lay eggs.
I took out one of the frames that didnt have much honey in it. I put in a frame of
comb that was drawn out in the middle of the have to give the queen a place to lay eggs.
The queen slows down in laying eggs in the late fall. She still needs to lay a few eggs
for winter bees to make it through the winter.
The bees stay in a tight cluster to keep warm and eat the honey in the hive to stay alive.
If they get damp they will be unable to keep warm. They need to keep dry, keep warm, have
enough new bees, and enough honey to make it through the winter.
In early spring when the bees start flying I will need to check and see If they need to be
feed sugar water to get them through till the flowers start coming out.
Strawberries |
Last year I ordered some strawberries seeds and started
them as listed on my page 1 of my blog. The seeds started ok but the hot sun coming
through my window dried them up and burned them to death. So much for trying that.
I still wanted to grow some strawberries so I ordered some plants. I decided to get a
planter to put them in. I bought this planter at Wal-Mart. 
I filled the planter with potting soil to plant the strawberry plants in.

I have never grown strawberries before. The plants I got just looked like dead sticks. I
planted them into the planter and watered them anyway.

I could not find the photo I took when they are nice and green. This photo is what they
looked like 1/6/24 so they did grow well.

I didnt get many strawberries this year. I was told they should produce more on the
second year. We will see how they do this summer.
Egg Shells

What do you do with your egg shells?
Did you know they are high in calcium carbonate?
I just put them in an old coffee can. When it gets full a use a 1 inch wood dowel rod to
crush them down. I keep adding to the can until it gets almost full.

I then spread them on my garden and work them into the soil. Egg Shell takes a lot of time
to break down to release the calcium carbonate. To speed this up you can add vinegar to
the shells. It will foam up and help break down the shells. Adding shells to your garden
can help stop blossom end rot on tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.
I also use them to add grit to my worm bed. This helps the worms digest their food. It
also helps with the PH of the worm castings. I take the crushed shells and place them in
the oven to kill off any bad bacteria. Then grind them in an old coffee grinder and grind
them up so the worms can use them.

I add this to the food scraps when I feed the worms.
I am sure you have some other uses for egg shells.
Filling my raised bed garden.
The first thing I did was to collect all the cardboard
boxes I had been saving. I unfolded them and put them in the bottom of the raised bed. 
The next thing I did was get some of the tree limbs I had and place them in to take up
some space.

The town has a place where they take the leaves they pickup in the fall. The leaves are
sucked up and run through a shredder. They dump them in a pile and they are packed down.
If you are a village taxpayer, you can go there and get them for free. Maybe your town has
a place like that. I got 6 garbage bags of these leaves and put them in the raised bed. I
found that if I had about that many more leaves it would help me take up more space. The
next day I went there and got 6 more bags of leaves. I leveled them out and let them
settle in for a couple weeks.

A friend brought me some dirt to top things off. I will leave it till spring to settle in.

Sweet Potato Slips
Sweet potato slips Have you ever wanted to try growing
sweet potato? Sweet potatoes are grown from slips that can cost as much as 35 dollars for
10 slips. Sweet potatoes are grown in hot moist areas but can you grow some here in NY? I
didnt want to spend 35 dollars just to give it a try. Then I heard you could get
your own sweet potato slips by placing a sweet potato that you get at your store half way
in dirt. So at Easter time I this spring had one to give it a try. 
In mid June when it would be time to plant the sweet potato slips I didnt have any
yet. By midsummer the sweet potato I placed in dirt still did not show any signs of
anything happening. In August I was about to throw it out I noticed a small shot coming
out of the sweet potato. So I decided to give it a little more time and a couple weeks
later I had some nice vines growing.

I cut some of the vines in several pieces.

Placed them in to water to see if they would root.

A few weeks later I checked and the cutting did root just fine.

What I did find out was organic sweet potatoes will grow vines in 6 to 8 weeks. The ones
you buy in the store that are not organic are often sprayed with a root inhibitor. That
may be the reason it took so long. If you want to give it a try from ones you buy at the
store. You may want to start in at Christmas time. Better yet get an organic sweet potato.
Some great gifts ideas for your gardener friends
Medicinal Garden Kit
Big Bat Box
Quality power stations.

Mosquitoes and bugs. |
When it comes to gardening 2 things bug me, Mosquitoes
and bugs. I try to not use pesticides in my garden but sometimes I have to. Pesticides are
bad for my bees and not good for me. Then in the evening when it cools off in the summer,
the mosquitoes can sometimes drive me out of the garden.
Mosquitoes can carry viruses, bacteria, and parasites in their saliva. They can transmit
those pathogens into your body, causing severe and even life-threatening illness.
Mosquitoes are known to be carriers of Malaria, West Nile virus, Dengue fever, Yellow
fever, and several viruses that cause encephalitis.
It has been estimated that one bat can eat up to 8000 mosquito-sized insects each night.
Mosquitoes are bats primary diet, which make them a great natural mosquito predator.
Bats do eat other variety of insects. Some of the other insects are, Moths, Beetles,
Weevils, Flies, Lacewings, Dragonflies, Grasshoppers, and Crickets.
As you can see, Bats are a gardeners friend.
Why not help them out by putting up a place for them to
live. A bat house would be a great gift for any gardener. Why not get one for yourself or
a friend at Big Bat Box.
Butternut Squash Pie |
I had a lot of butternut squash and heard that some caned
pumpkin you buy may be squash. So I tried to make a pie with my butternut squash. I used
the recipe below and it came out ok. Maybe you could give it a try with your squash. 
2 cups Butternut Squash puree
1 8 oz cream cheese
2 Large eggs
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
� teaspoon ground ginger
� teaspoon ground nutmeg
� teaspoon salt
1 9 pie crust
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F
Mix room temperature cream cheese, eggs and brown sugar until smooth.
Then add the spices mix them in.
Then add the Butternut Squash puree and mix until smooth.
Pour into crust. I use a 9 gram cracker pie crust I get from the store.
Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes.
Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F and continue backing for about 35 minutes.
Check to make sure the pie is done with a knife by inserting the knife 1 inch from crust
and it come out clean.
Let cool before serving.

Some great gifts ideas for your gardener friends
Medicinal Garden Kit
Big Bat Box
Quality power stations.

Rolling Blackouts |
Are you ready for rolling blackouts?
If demand for electricity exceeds the power supply capability of the network. Rolling
blackouts may be put in to effect.
Rolling blackouts may be local or may be more widespread and affect entire countries. This
is where the power is shut off for a couple hours. Then back on for a few hours and off
and on until demand for electricity lowers to the point the network can handle it.
What will you do for lights, a fan, your computer, or many things you need to use that
takes electricity?
If the electricity is out for a longer time your refrigerator or freezer may need power so
the food does not go bad.
Here in the north several people use wood pellets or coal
stoves to heat with. Most of them use a small amount of electricity to run a small fan to
keep them burning.
Stop and think what you would need if you had rolling blackouts.
Here is a tool that may make your life a bit better when the electric goes out. A power station or sometimes call a solar
generator. They fill in that gap when you have rolling blackouts. You can charge them
up when the power is on and use power out of them when the power is out. You can also use
a solar panel to charge them up. This makes them a great tool for any kind of power
outage. They are also a good tool for outdoor fun where there is no electric and you need
One of the things I like about them is they don't make much noise like a gas generator
would. When camping for a long time you could charge them up with solar or a gas generator
in the day time and use the power at night. This will keep the others that are camping
happy because they will not hear it running.
There are several sizes of power station to fit your needs.
Learn more about these quality power stations.
Beets in a bucket.
It is time to harvest the beets in my bucket. The bucket
also had a celery plant that popped up. The celery plant did well as a plant that came up
by its self. I did get 5 good sized beets from the bucket. I might have over done thinging
when I thinned them for beet greens. 
I pulled the 5 beets out and cleaned off most of the dirt.

I took them in the house and washed the rest of the dirt off. Put a pot on the stove with
water and brought it to a boil. While I was doing that I cut off the tops leaving about 1
inch and put ice and water in the sink. I put the beets in the boiling water for 5 minutes
took them out and right in the ice water in the sink. Then I took off the skins sliced
them up and cooked them. I had a few for my supper that night.

I like the Cylindra beets because they make more even sized beet slices. They also have a
good taste.
I dont have as much luck with growing in buckets as I would like. Quite often I
would find the buckets dry needing water. I think they would have done better if I had at
least checked them every day even if it had rained.
Garden Kit
Raised Bed Garden
I decided to get a raised bed garden to make it easier to
work a garden. I looked at a lot of them and found one on sale at lows. If I bought 2 of
the 12 pc kits I could build one to the size I was looking for with extra corner parts to
make an extra circle. With the 2 kits I could get one 3 � feet wide by 10 feet long
and this one is 17 inches tall.
I got the two boxes opened one and started putting it together. Because my hands
dont work as good as they use to it was almost imposable for me to get the screws,
washer and nut together while holding the metal panels. If I only had one more hand.
The screws, nuts and washer are stainless steel but the screws had a little bit of
magnetism to them. The screws were an Allen head screw. I went and got a small neodymium
magnet stuck it on to the Allen wrench to hold the screw on to the wrench.
I then stuck it through the hole in the panels and found
out the panels were also magnetic.

This held the screw tight agents the panel leaving the
screw in plain sight. It was almost like getting the third hand I needed to put this

I started putting two panels together so I would have less
to do when I put them in place. I used a 10 mm socket on an extension to screw the nuts up
hand tight.

I went out where I was going to place the raised bed
garden and put down fabric to place it on.

I took the parts out and started putting them together.
Because the screws were only hand tight and the side are longer that they would be if it
was just one kit. I had to find something to hold the sides up while I was putting it
together. I took 2 5 gallon buckets and filled them half way with dirt and found that
would do the job.

I finished putting all the sides together. Then went
around and tightened all the screws.

It took me about 2 weeks to get this far. Now I need to
get it filled so it can settle over the winter.
for the Holidays
This year I planted zucchini in my large garden. I
planted the seeds in the holes in the fabric along the east end of my garden. I put 2
seeds in each of the 5 holes. 
The plants started out good and started producing fruit.

Zucchini plants will produce a lot of squash as long as you keep picking them before they
get big. I try to pick my zucchini between 8 and 12 inches long. This year I got enough
for myself. Usually I get so many that I have a hard time getting someone to take all I
This year I had squash vine borer that attacked my zucchini and the plants died early. The
squash vine borer lays eggs at the base of the plant. When the eggs hatch the larvae bore
a hole into the stems and eat their way up the stem hollowing out your squash stem. This
will stunt or even kill the plant. They then bury themselves in the soil to emerge as an
adult the following year. That is why it is best to plant your squash in a different
location if you can.
In the past when I had planted zucchini without using fabric, the zucchini would sometimes
start new roots along the stem and keep growing. It is nice to have the fabric so you have
less to weed. But there is something that the fabric does not help with.
Zucchini is a great plant to grow because it can be used in many ways, casseroles, stuffed
zucchini, zucchini bread, zucchini fritters, zucchini grilled, stir-fry, and many more.
Next year I will plant in a new spot and keep an eye out for the squash vine borer.
Time to stock up on canning
supplies before they run out.
For more post from 7/7/23 to 10/27/23 go to https://thatnew.biz/pg2.htm
For more post from 12/9/22 to 6/30/23 go to https://thatnew.biz/pg1.htm
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I am 69 years old and have been doing websites for over 25
years. My first website is WESTNY.com . I had a website
business GLASSMARBLES.com for about 22 years. I had to stop that business because of my
health. I have to use a walker to get around so I am limited to what I can do. I am doing
a blog on this site THATNEW.biz. I am going to use this because I already own THATNEW.biz
and going to use it as a blog. I use to do gardening, keep bees, building things and other
things. This will give me something to do to keep my mind active. I hope this will give
you insight to what older people like to do. 12/12/2022 |
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